
Let's Fill all the Communication Gaps

From Converting Leads to Customers, Keeping Current Customers Happy, and Solving their Queries. botlive Covers all the Use-Cases via Whatsapp

Convert Leads to Customers
Whatsapp Smart Notifications have CTA(Call-to-Action) Buttons driving 3X Conversions
Solve for Support
Enable Multi-Human Customer Support on Whatsapp and Keep your Customers Happy!
Drive Automated Sales
Install Smart A.I. Chatbots on Whatsapp, recommend products smartly and Boost Sales!

Engage 24x7 via Smart Whatsapp Chatbot

  • Automate Regular Customer Queries via Smart A.I. Chatbot FREE Integration
  • Turn your Whatsapp into a Sales Machine! Recommend Product Smartly & Sell Instantly.

Customer Support that's Always Connected

  • Always stay connected to once chat is initiated(Unlike Web Chat)
  • Solve Queries at scale on the Same Whatsapp Number via Multiple Agent logins

Run Direct to Whatsapp Ads

  • Drive 5X Lead Generation using Whatsapp as a Landing Channel.
  • As users click on your Facebook, Instagram Ads they land on Whatsapp. You receive their Name and Whatsapp Number as they initiate the Chat! Boom!